Beneath the many roles, Rex is firstly an intellectual and guide. His mission is to enrich people’s lives and bring value to the world. Through the subtle invention, manipulation, and communication of mental architectures and an energetic openness and adaptability, Rex is the perfect guide for those open to his influence.
Raised in rural Saskatchewan, he has come a long way through an education in the sciences, a career in the vast creative-technical world of multimedia, and personal explorations into the metaphysical (psychology, philosophy, sociology, theology), bringing it all together through independent value-based business and leadership.
Rex is the founder of Novic Ventures, a collective of the work and businesses he is involved in. Through investment and development, he often plays a central role in their function until they are sustainable without his direct effort, at which point he steps back to serve as a consultant/advisor.
This collective is still in its very early years, but much progress has already been made and there is no intention to stop building anytime soon.
Feeling lost amidst the vast mystery of life? Sensing a disconnect from your inner truth? Knowing that something is wrong in your life, but not exactly sure what or how to deal with it? These problems are the kind you will find solution to in this workshop.
This two-hour seminar is a deep dive into your uniquenesses, what makes you the way you are, and how you can practically apply this knowledge and manifest yourself in the world.